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Caught lube-handed

“Push harder,” Lacey moaned, her toes curled and breathe heavy. “There, is that working?” Dave asked, his muscles taut and slick. “We have to get this done, put your weight […]

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Identity complex

The light switched on and jolted me awake. I was shocked, scared and confused all at the same time. A million questions ran through my head: Where am I? Why […]

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Acronymian, APPLING

In other news, researchers have discovered an entirely new language. Extensive linguistic research, conducted by Professor Xavier at Oxford, has discovered something incredibly interesting: a new language. He is calling […]

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Canine bootcamp

The rookie just wasn”t ready. He had been training for nearly a month and still, Chief had seen few results. Chief was actually a captain, but they called him Chief. […]

Around the office

The newsroom of The Argonaut is a mysterious and terrifying place, especially when the editors all filter in half-dead and exhausted after an entire semester of reporting and editing the […]

Crash course in human extinction

“Quiet down class, that”s enough, okay, settle “¦ Hey! That behavior is not appropriate – That is enough!” A loud roar rang out, silencing the juveniles. “I once taught hatchlings, […]

Into the depths

After that first meeting, I knew that we were in love. I had dated so many people at this point that I didn”t quite know what to do with myself. […]