Staying focused

Students should buckle down and concentrate on grades It’s that time in the school year — the beginning of the end. The days are longer, the sun is out and […]

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Off the cuff

Thankful to be alive A year ago today, I was in the hospital in critical condition. I’m not in perfect health now, and the last year has been a whirlwind, […]

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Off the cuff

Quick takes on life from our editors Mein Bowl Easy on the onions, please. I’d prefer not to be crying by the end of my meal. But seriously, I think […]

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Off the cuff

DotPotA No, it’s not as good as the critics or anyone says. It pales in comparison to the Rod Serling classic. –Andrew

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Off the Cuff

What the snow? I get sunburnt in southern Oregon during spring break and come back to a blizzard in Moscow. Can it be summer now, please? — Elisa

De-stress with a deep breath

Stress is a way people’s bodies react when demanding necessary changes, Kristyn Funasaki, predoctoral intern at the University of Idaho Counseling and Testing Center said.

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In the genes

An individual’s genetics are a random and unique combination of the mother’s genetic code, and half of the father’s.