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Vote for candidates capable of changing Idaho for the good

Over the last year, we’ve seen protests, marches and demonstrations from a passionate and energetic electorate. Nov. 6 is the day to make those actions truly count. Demonstrations like the […]

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Vandals vote
Department of Student Involvement to hold National Voter Registration Day event

Exercising the right to vote is seen as a cornerstone of United States democracy. But before the vote comes voter registration. Registering to vote is a simple, quick process that […]

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Off the cuff

Live action/CG “Nimh” movie Written by Michael Berg, of “Ice Age 5?” Nope! Nope! That’s a whole lot of nope! This is not a good formula. Cease and desist, MGM. […]

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Off The Cuff

Strange how that works Not having a quant lab for midterms week really makes things easier. Actually, midterms week is one of the most relaxed I’ve had in a while. […]

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Off the cuff

Completely necessary Sometimes it’s OK to spend your Saturday night enjoying homemade pumpkin chocolate chip cookies in over-sized sweatpants watching feel-good Netflix documentaries alongside a close friend.