Embracing expiration dates
Endings are a part of life we must accept

Everything has an expiration date. The food in the fridge grows mold, shoes wear out, phones glitch out and childhood turns into adulthood. Endings are part of life. Each time […]

Leveraging failure
Failure is not an excuse to quit trying.

In our culture, we tend to condemn failing. Whether it is in school, at work or at home, failing often isn’t seen as acceptable. Failure makes us feel incompetent and […]

Start with subtraction
Humans should strive for simplistic, valued lifestyles

Every day we are being pitched to. We are told doing and having more will bring purpose and meaning to our lives — more followers on social media, more income […]

We are more alike than we know
It is important to find the value in simple connections with other people

We share our time on earth with everyone else. Our experiences and perceptions are unique, but very similar. Every time you meet another human, you are meeting someone who experiences […]

‘Men ruin everything’
Let’s talk about healthy masculinity

“Men ruin everything.” It’s a phrase we hear often nowadays, but it isn’t helping anybody. I understand why people say it — many men have done terrible things. Many women […]

The app that changed the world
Analyzing why people use Facebook

Everyone has a Facebook, but does anyone actually like it? There is a recent movement to leave Facebook called #DeleteFacebook, spurred on by news of a political data firm gaining […]

The illusion of money
There is more to cherish in life than copious amounts of money

Money isn’t everything. This is something we know, but I think we could all stand to understand more deeply. Money is a tool. It is neutral. Neither good nor bad. […]

Learning to learn
Learning how to learn is the best way to gain valuable knowledge

You need to know how to learn before you can be taught. Academic institutions often emphasize teaching students, but do little to contribute and ensure the student’s ability to learn. […]

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Think outside the box
People are not their political parties

Politics has always been unappealing to me. When I was younger, I just didn’t care. Now that I care, I’m tired of it. One of the biggest problems with politics […]