Off the cuff — Quick takes on life from our editors


“They’re just talented.” No, they worked their butt off for years to perfect a craft. I become annoyed when people misuse that word, as they often do.



Arbitrary existentialism

Tune into KUOI 89.3 FM Moscow Tuesdays at 11PM. Shameless plug: it happened, deal with it.



Seriously, bro?

To the guy who’s requesting a VN tab be sent to his South Main St. address… It’d probably be just as quick to pick it up at the Bagel Shop across the street.



Education will save the world

Sometimes it’s not always clear why we have to learn certain things in our academic careers. But when my class on U.S. diplomatic history helps me understand current international relations policies, particularly with regard to Syria, it’s a beautiful thing and I have no doubt that what I’m learning will be relevant to my life.


Importance of sleep

Having enough sleep is very important because it determines your day tomorrow. I know lately I haven’t had enough sleep, so my suggestion is for you all to get good night sleep so you can start your day fresh.



Parallel parking

It doesn’t take long to get good at parallel parking when you’re driving in a college town. I might be better at parallel parking than regular parking at this point.



Worth it

No, I couldn’t wait a week for the new iOS7 update. Yes, I downloaded it on my phone the hard way. It was so worth it.



Grow up already

Seriously, there are so many worse things that can happen to you than so-and-so not telling you she made out with some guy you thought was cute. Definitely not worth throwing that big fit over. We’re not in high school anymore.


First radio show

Everyone should listen to Kramer and I’s first game broadcast this week. Should be on KUOI. It’s going to be awesome!




Between differential equations and physical chemistry my mind is going to mush.



Speak up! 

If you have a question or comment in class speak it loud and proud. I can understand being quiet, but you draw more attention to yourself by whispering a question from the back row of a lecture hall. Plus, you get to enjoy the entire class looking at you as the teacher asks you to speak up three or four times.



Moosh and Twist quotes

“I’m out here chasin’ dreams, she’s out here chasin’ feelings.”



Camera nerd

For a mirror-less camera, the Olympus OM-D is a very impressive specimen.


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