Welcome to the family

Change can disrupt the comfort of our everyday lives, but it can also add an extra dimension of the world we never knew existed. The transition from high school to college is a change that will ultimately redefine who you are. 

You will meet people from different places with different values who will challenge your views. Be accepting of others’ opinions, but stay true to yourself and what you believe. And don’t be afraid to leave behind the person you were in high school as you discover who you want to be.

Revel in your newfound independence, but don’t lose sight of why you are in college. You are here to learn so work hard in your classes, but remember that what you learn outside of the classroom is important too.

It’s easy to feel lost in the sea of about 11,000 students on the University of Idaho campus, but UI has a variety of activities ranging from club sports such as lacrosse and soccer to student government to encourage campus involvement. Reaching out to others who share your interests is an easy way to make friends and find your place in the university.

Don’t ever be afraid to ask for help during your time at UI, whether it’s directions to a classroom or something more serious. Resources, such as the Counseling and Testing Center, are available to help all students. UI truly is a caring community, and as freshman you are the newest additions to the Vandal family.

Freshman year is a chance to define your entire college experience.  The next four years of your life will be influenced by the majors you pursue, the friendships you forge and the relationships you form with faculty who can help you along your journey.

Above all college is what you make of it, so choose to make it the best four years of your life.

— EE

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