A beautiful mistake
The Cloverfield Paradox presents a pretty picture with a poor story

“The Cloverfield Paradox” started off promising. With the first and only ad airing during the Superbowl, audiences were simply told the film would be available right after football finished. That […]

An end to a nightmare
The Fifty Shades trilogy comes to a close after years of sex, dominance and manipulation

“Fifty Shades Freed” is the ultimate oxymoron. Anastasia “Ana” Steele is anything but free. Entranced in all that is the “wonderful” Christian Grey, she is held within the tight constraints […]

Ya like jazz?
The Bee Movie brings bigger issues to light

Barry B. Benson is someone we could all learn a thing or two from. That name ring a bell? It should. Remember the small bee who longed for a bigger, […]

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A music, movie movement
A recent run of strong movie soundtracks signals a changing trend in how we consume film

  Movie soundtracks are an interesting subset of today’s music. With the slow death of CDs and physical records, there will probably never be another soundtrack that sells 17 million […]