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OPINION: Stay safe, get vaccinated
Delta poses a serious risk to our health and our chances at going back to normal

As a newsroom, we are closely watching as the number of positive COVID-19 cases go up all over the county, state and nation.   We will be watching, ready to report, […]

Masks now recommended among the vaccinated
CDC director says K-12 schools should wear masks regardless of vaccine status

The Center of Disease Control is now advising vaccinated people to wear masks indoors.   The recent rise in the COVID-19 delta variant has sparked the CDC in its decision to announce that individuals […]

Coronavirus graphic Alex Brizee | Argonaut
The University of Idaho’s plan for the coronavirus
Background and information on the coronavirus

As of March 3, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported 80 cases from
13 states as confirmed novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases.
While the CDC
regularly updates confirmed cases
of COVID-19, the
number of confirmed
cases is increasing.

Shots, shots, shots, everybody
There is absolutely no reason not to get vaccinated and it’s irresponsible to do otherwise

As the daughter of a nurse practitioner, there was no question whether I would be vaccinated or not.  Each age milestone was met with the appropriate shot, starting when I […]