OPINION: Impacts of burnout in students
Stress is a normal part of life, but burnout doesn’t need to be

Too often, burnout carries a stigma that a person is weak or that they’re unable to deal with a difficult situation, making people feel as though they can’t open up […]

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We want precedented times
Adjusting to the pandemic was hard, adjusting back to “normal” seems harder

Five weeks into the semester, midterms are right around the corner. The feeling of having just started is mixed with the feeling that we’ve been here forever, and burnout is creeping […]

OPINION: College stumps creativity
Storing away art supplies, making room for textbooks

Though January felt like it went on forever, it doesn’t feel like classes have been in session for long. We are nearing the end of the first five weeks of the semester, and it doesn’t seem real.

Buying into burnout
Millennials: a generation fed up with being burnt out

“You seem to have done a good job avoiding burnout. Against all odds, you’re maintaining a healthy work-life balance and perspective on the world. But you’re still at risk of […]