Voter Pamphlet | Unsplash | Courtesy
OPINION: We need to decriminalize drugs 
Drug decriminalization is the way to handle America’s drug problem

In November 2020, the Oregon voters passed Measure 110, decriminalizing the possession of Schedule 1 through 4 drugs. This includes drugs such as LSD, Meth and Heroin as well as […]

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Guest Voice: Quitting tobacco is a big deal
Tips on how friends and family can better support loved ones struggling with addiction

We all have something we do that we feel we just can’t live without. What is yours? Morning coffee? Calling a friend or parent every week? Checking social media every […]

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The drug of Candy Crush

In my free time, I raise a farm, defeat Baron Zemo’s nefarious plots to rule the world and sic my elite squad of ninja warriors on my older brother.