OPINION: Need a friend? Get a cat 

No matter what kind of person you are, a cat would make a great pet

A cat resting | Mark Warren | Argonaut

While there are large groups of people that may dislike cats due to their fickle and aloof nature, cats can be great pets for just about anyone. 

One of the most common reasons people like cats is because they provide companionship to their owner. This can be especially nice for those who work from home or who may live alone. 

Despite many cats’ nonchalant behavior, they genuinely do love their owners. They just show affection in different ways than other pets. 

While cats spend a lot of time sleeping, they can be very playful and energetic when they aren’t. I think just about anyone can agree that it is amusing to see a cat chasing a laser or playing with a toy or catnip. 

Cats are also great comfort animals. Some people think that cats are self-centered and don’t care about their owners. However, this isn’t the case. 

Cats show their affection by bumping their head or rubbing their cheeks against you. This is often an attempt to mark their scent on you. Cats may also show affection by purring, following their owner around and cuddling or napping with or next to their owner. 

Another benefit to having a cat is how easy they are to take care of. They don’t require as much attention as other pets, nor do they need a lot of space. They are even relatively cheap to feed. 

They are perfectly content indoors, meaning they do not need to be walked every day like dogs. Also, because dogs spend so much time outdoors, they get dirty more easily and need to be cleaned more frequently. Cats, however, can clean themselves. Of course, it’s good to get your cat’s fur groomed and have their claws trimmed occasionally, but cats are good at cleaning themselves for the most part. 

Another reason that cats are superior pets is how curious and intelligent they are. They meow when they want attention or need to be fed, making them excellent communicators. They also have good memories. They can recognize different sounds like that of their owner’s voice. 

Cats are especially great pets for introverts who value their alone time and tend to spend more time at home than their extroverted counterparts. As they are quiet and like to keep to themselves, cats are well-suited to an introvert’s calm nature. That makes it easier for an introvert to relax and unwind after a long day at school or work without feeling guilty about wanting to be alone and have a break from socializing. 

Cats do make some noise, especially at night when they are the most active. However, their meows and purrs are relatively quiet, especially in comparison to the loud barks of a dog. 

Even if you may not be a cat person, you may still find joy in having one. They may not be as excited or energetic as dogs, but there is still a long list of benefits that come with owning one. 

Vanessa Werner can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @VanessaRWerner 

1 reply

  1. Zaheen Tariq

    Good article. Like it

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