OTC — 4.18.19

Quick takes on life from our editors

If you ran for president, what would your platform be?

Moving forward

I would issue those mind erasing devices from “Men in Black” to every citizen. We’re going to need them after these past four years.

— Brandon

A dictionary for all

As president, my first act would be providing a dictionary to every outdated politician and administrator that doesn’t know how to use their words effectively and kindly. You know who I’m talking about.

ot Hailey

Equity and equality

If running for president, I would focus my platform around policies that could actually enact social change for the betterment of the entire country. Our society not only needs to become more equal, but equitable for all — not just for those at the top.

— Olivia

Effective delegation

A president is made by the people around them, and I would try to make the job as easy for myself as possible. Giving the work to the people that are the best at it seems like the best way to minimize the mistakes I would inevitably make.

— Jonah

It ain’t happening

As a nonreligious Hispanic woman, I’m not going to be president any time soon. So I might as well spend my 15 minutes of fame talking about what’s important, than promising fake promises that won’t pan out. Let’s start with the fact that there are kids in cages at the border and end with our planet is dying.

— Alex

Anything is possible

I’d want everyone to know they can achieve whatever they put their mind to — even if it seems out of reach.

— Lindsay


My platform would be based on including everyone to ensure we have a functioning democracy. All voices matter.

— Kyle

Anything is impossible 

My platform would be to revert every decision ever made in office and start completely fresh in U.S. 2.0 before my world domination begins. Chicken nuggets will be supplied for all.

— Max

Pizza party Fridays

I would promise that every Friday there would be a huge worldwide pizza party, featuring all types of pizza to make sure everyone had their favorite option. This would both bring people together and allow people to relax after a hard week of school.

— Grayson

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