UI falls below State Board’s reserves target

Loss of $21 million drops UI to below State Board standards

After experiencing a $21 million loss, the University of Idaho fell below the Idaho State Board of Education’s target reserve rates of 5 percent.

UI is among two public Idaho four-year universities that didn’t meet the reserve target rate, said Carson Howell, chief financial officer for the State Board at its Thursday meeting in Boise.

UI fell to negative 1.6 percent, while Boise State reserves sat at 3.75 percent. Idaho State University and Lewis-Clark State College both met the targets at 5.7 and 5.1 percent, respectively.

Reserves can be used to “bridge uneven cash flows,” such as budget reductions or enrollment fluctuations, materials provided to the board show.

Brian Foisy, UI Vice President of Finance and Administration, told the board the operating loss was caused in part by “continuing enrollment challenges.” Fall enrollment declined 2.6 percent and resident undergraduate enrollment fell 3.7 percent.

“That has resulted in actual revenue being lower than projected revenue,” Foisy said, adding that unexpected costs also factored in.

Foisy said the university is considering a one-time base budget reduction of $4 million, effective July 1 of the coming fiscal year. Another $4 million cut will be implemented over the next two years. The goal is to curtail that $21 million loss’ impact over time, he said.

Foisy told the UI Faculty Senate in late October the university needed to change its spending practices and that it would be moving towards a “strategic hiring plan” in which some positions may not be filled when vacated.

Kyle Pfannenstiel can be reached at [email protected]

1 reply

  1. Fox Mulder

    It’s time to remove all of Staben’s possee... especially the highly overpaid team in non-Strategic Enrollment Mis Management. These budget sucking vampires have had their chance.. AND THEY FAILED! Fire the Vice Provost’s and their ASS-sociates...now. They have done their damage, screwed the people of this state and our community... they have gotten what they came here for!! Let them take their blood MONEY and leave ...we need IDAHO citizens who care about OUR future and OUR children to stand up and take back control of OUR University. Don’t waste any more time, join me in recommending to SBOE that these failures be the ‘out of state’ associatea that are purged.

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