Off the cuff


When I was in high school I did everything I could to avoid being around my parents. Now I get absolutely giddy when they say they’re coming to see me. I wonder if it has a similarity to Pavlov’s dog. #freefood


No, Rob Bell

We are not “moments away” from embracing same-sex marriage. The world and various “Christian” denominations may accept it, but the true Christian Church never will.


Three day

Long weekends are a blessing when they’re happening, but sure are an impediment to a successful week. I’m glad we’re back to normal weeks.


Ice cream

I’m going to hang out with my friends Ben and Jerry this weekend.


I’m not a socialist, but…

Today I thought about how different my future children’s lives would be if they grew up in a country where people didn’t struggle to pay for education, basic health care and food. I have a feeling they would be a lot more compassionate than the majority of people I know today.


Climb on

There’s something about being 50 feet in the air that makes you really hope your friend at the bottom is as trustworthy as you thought.


Shades of blue

The Duke vs UNC basketball game Wednesday night was apparently everything a big-time rivalry basketball game should be. If only I had time to watch it.



I’m so happy you’re back. I know meaningful games don’t start for over a month, but I’ve missed you. I can’t wait to sit in my chair, eat some peanuts and watch the Mariners hopefully score more runs than their opponent.



I am simultaneously impatiently awaiting your arrival and also dreading it. Cheers to three more months of not-quite-adulting.



Korbin, I feel it too. Want to play catch sometime?



I’ve gotten to the point where I literally have no idea what to do with my life when I suddenly find myself with free time, no matter how little of it I have. Since when have I become so reliant on a jampacked schedule?


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