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Men’s Basketball – UI vs. UND

The University of North Dakota men’s basketball team beat the Vandals 71-63, leaving the Vandals at 2-4 in the Big Sky competition. This is the fourth straight loss for Idaho.

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Road woes hinder Vandals

It can’t be easy being a student-athlete, especially when the team has to travel. Players have to juggle schoolwork, practice and a heap of other responsibilities, and then put everything […]

Wagon wheels

Transformation from run-down barn to art studio Highway 195 takes travelers past a little white barn with an impressive fence. The fence is made of more than 1,000 old wheels […]

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Off the cuff

March for Life “We are for the distinct value and worth that are ours on account of Christ. We are for remembering the 55 million lives that have been purposefully ended since […]

Obama visits Idaho

POTUS talks middle class, ending gridlock in Congress According to President Barack Obama, the bluest place in Idaho is in Boise State University’s Albertsons Stadium, which is known for its […]