The president we need

Finding a new president for any large research university is a critical and imperative decision that will affect university policy for years and possibly decades to come.

Unfortunately, for the University of Idaho presidential search committee the pressure is on not to mess it up.

Not only is it bad enough that UI has gone through six university presidents within the past 10 years, but we have also developed a reputation losing critical administers.

I guess the presidential search committee has a great example of what UI does not need in a

Like past president Duane Nellis, who set an absurd enrollment goal of 16,000 students on the Moscow campus by 2020.

Or sending subordinates to make tough decisions, and handle tough situations.

Not to mention personal claims he was going to retire at UI, however is now wearing cowboy boots down south.

UI deserves to have a president that does not call it quits after a few years.

UI faces many important problems in its upcoming future. UI’s budget being slashed by the state, creating a safe and productive campus environment, the State Board of Education consistently approving tuition increases and making sure facilities are suitable for learning.

These problems will be tough for the person who inherits them with this position, but if they have commitment, and passion for UI it should not stand in their way.

Commitment: not just in the sense of sticking around – although that would be nice – but commitment to students and faculty.

Commitment to making this university move forward, even at a time when state public education is being underfunded and underappreciated.

But commitment is not enough; we deserve a president that is passionate about UI, what it offers to the state of Idaho, the education it gives to students and the work students and faculty produce.

That last part is quite important, considering the president is the lead fundraiser for the university, often talking to big donors and hosting fundraisers.

But I have faith. I have faith in Interim President Don Burnett, a man that bleeds silver and gold.

I have faith in the administrators and professors that are included in the presidential search committee.

I have faith they know the importance of this decision, and the affect it will have on UI and the direction of education in Idaho.

Ryan Tarinelli can be reached at [email protected]

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