Missed connections

Missed connections is a simple way for The Argonaut to help people on campus get to know each other more. Let’s say there is a girl or guy you see every time you go get coffee and maybe you have talked for a little bit, but you want to know more about them. Or maybe you had a quick conversation with a guy or girl at the gym and you want to get to know them better. That is what missed connections is here for.
Here’s how it works: one person sends an email to [email protected] describing where you two met or might have seen each other, a description of what you were wearing and doing at the time of your encounter and a description of what they were wearing and doing at the time of your encounter. Then suggest a date and time of day and specific location to meet up again.
Remember to keep it classy people, and don’t take it personally if someone doesn’t show up.
Here are some good and bad examples of missed connections.

Do Not:
Try to meet up with someone you have not actually made a connection with.
Suggest a meeting and not show up.
Suggest meeting in a private place like a dorm, fraternity or sorority.
Give a vague description of the person you had a missed connection with.
Here are a couple good examples:
We played basketball for a few minutes Wednesday at the rec center.
Me: Male — a freshman wearing red shorts and a blue shirt with a tattoo on my leg.
You: Female — tall, wearing a gold University of Idaho T-shirt with a great jump shot.
We talked about how you played basketball in high school and want to tryout for the university team next year.
If you want to meet up, I will be at Einstein’s Bagel shop at 11:30 a.m. Friday. I hope to see you there.
We’ve seen each other at least six times at the library over the past two weeks and you seem to always sit a few tables across from me and smile. I smile back, but I have been too shy to actually talk to you.
Me: Female — almost always wearing jeans, not too much make-up and light brunette hair. I usually have big headphones on when I’m studying, too.
You: Male — tall, skinny and wearing glasses. You wear different types of sweaters and moccasins.
If you would like to meet me, I will be at the 24-hour Denny’s wearing a yellow sweater at 7 p.m Thursday. It would be cool if you came.

Here’s a bad example:
I’ve seen you a few times going on a run past my dorm. You have never seen me but you are really hot. You are blonde and always wearing tennis shoes. If you want to meet me I will be in the field in the middle of campus.

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