Off the cuff

Insert HvZ post here

If I had the time to worry about getting shot with a Nerf gun or shooting others while on campus, I would be a very happy person.



Making connections

This week’s Washington connection to Idaho’s game: Wyoming coach Dave Christensen played at Washington under Don James.



Honey Boo Boo

I hate watching it, yet I can’t take my eyes off.



New perspective

It’s amazing the difference a clean room can make.




I’m willing to bet that the person who coined the phrase “you can sleep when you’re dead” didn’t mean we should all stay up studying instead.



Roller derby time

Seriously, if you haven’t made plans to go to the Beasley Coliseum tonight at 7 p.m. to see the Rolling Hills Derby Dames, you need to. Pronto.



“Pickle Chiffon Pie” could be the greatest childrens’ book of all time.




I have a feeling I’m the only vegetarian who feels horrible killing a cow in Minecraft.



Fingers crossed

Hope I can get all my chores done so I can make it to tailgate Saturday.



Down to derby

Watch Chloe Rambo and the rest of the Rolling Hills Derby Dames tonight over in Pullman. I know for a fact that you have nothing better to do, because nothing will be better.



Coffee = Heart 

I don’t know what I would do without this magic elixir.



Sassy Sally continued

You don’t know me. You don’t know my life!


Rock climbing 

It’s a great way to relieve stress and give yourself a break from school and work. Try it sometime.



International Talk Like a Pirate Day was a success, even if I was the only lubber at UI to participate.


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