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Slavery alive and well in Oregon

We’ve talked about rape and sexual assault for Sexual Assault Awareness month — which is great — but we have ignored human trafficking. Perhaps this is because it’s not really […]

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Bribery law needs teeth

If you’ve ever wondered how Walmart came to be such a massive international commerce juggernaut, the answer may be simpler than we thought: bribery. 

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Searching for senators

President-elect Hannah Davis has begun the hiring process for the 2012-2013 ASUI board chairs and fill the vacant senate seats left by vice president-elect Nick Tunnison and her. Davis recently […]

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Off the Cuff

Chalkboard nuggets You know, those leftover chunks of wisdom from the class that used the room before you. Sometimes they’re incomprehensible math problems, sometimes they’re in Japanese and sometimes they […]

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Space discoveries from Idaho

University of Idaho graduate student Alex Patthoff and his wife went looking for a new direction — and they found one in Moscow. Patthoff, who studies geological studies, has spent […]