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No helmuets required

He was riding his motorcycle too fast. Perhaps it was inexperience. He went in to a corner in the road — a sharp turn — that caused the bike to […]

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Making changes

The University of Idaho’s campus safety and emergency management policies are “complete, comprehensive and technically strong,” but not user-friendly, according to a report released Wednesday by an independent panel.

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Granting wishes

Zander, a 7-year old diagnosed with a blood disorder, is an avid Harry Potter fan and loves anything that correlates with the wizarding world. Lyla, 3, a histiocytosis (an autoimmume […]

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Nineteen members of Delta Chi became inactive after the fraternity’s national board reviewed the house earlier this month. Five seniors, six juniors, five sophomores and three freshmen will be banned […]

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A very Vandal Christmas

With the holidays just around the corner, University of Idaho’s Vandal Brand Meats is preparing for festivities with its annual Christmas Ham Sale.

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Bypass bureaucracy

It only takes one person to initiate a response in an emergency or high-risk situation. At the University of Idaho there are multiple people who can and want to be […]

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Holiday cheer all year

The holiday season is upon us, and so is the holiday spirit. Many people may have the attitude that because it is the holidays, others should be treated with a […]

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Iraq withdrawal of troops is needed

In late October the media spotlight was on President Barack Obama as he announced the Dec. 31 withdrawal of U.S. military from Iraq — a spotlight that is perhaps premature.