A moment like this

With every ending there is a new beginning. For some of us, the bittersweet transition between the two will take place in a matter of days.

As we sit through spring commencement, supporting our friends or eagerly anticipating our diplomas, we will most likely be reminded of this message. Although cliché, it is an important message simply because it is true — we will all have new opportunities, adventures, friends and everything else that goes along with moving through life.

But the message should not scare you.

For many students, the idea of moving on from college or staying behind without some of our best friends is frightening to the point of intense anxiety that ultimately results in failing to enjoy the last few days of college. Life will happen whether you are ready or not.

So don’t freak out.

Those of us who are graduating might not have the perfect job, or any job, lined up at the moment, but if we have accomplished the task of earning a degree, our chances for hooking a job are at least improved. It’s unlikely that it will be a dream job or even a job that has to do with our degree, but moving up from one seemingly insignificant job to the next is what makes a successful career so rewarding.

Take time to reflect — life is inevitable and stressing will only cause the last few days here to be miserable. This is a time to celebrate a feat that has cost thousands of dollars, a slew of sleepless nights and endless cups of caffeine. We have worked too hard to not enjoy it.

Life will beat us up and tear us down, so take advantage of the feeling of being on top of the world after four or five, or more, long years — we deserve it.

— ER

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