A waste of space 
Ah yes, the solution to all U.S. problems will be solved with a train on the moon

Let’s talk about moon trains. Yes, you read that right—trains on the moon.   Another waste of taxpayer’s dollars has been approved. Back in March, Northrop Grumman Corporation won a Defense […]

The virtual frontier: There is no need for humans in space 
In a time of technological advancement, we find that humans are no longer needed to physically venture outside of Earth’s atmosphere.

In today’s world, we have a rapid development of robotics, artificial intelligence and extremely immersive technologies. The idea of sending humans out into the dangerous darkness of space is becoming […]

Finding space for all students
Finding space for a student union building should be a priority at UI

The ICCU Arena is set to be built at the University of Idaho next year. The building’s purpose is host sporting events, host concerts and also provide conference facilities.  However, […]

From Moscow to Saturn’s moons
UI astronomer wants to send a drone to Saturn’s moon

Titan, one of many moons of Saturn, is home to a multitude of land features, from mountains of ice to lakes of methane. Last year, the Cassini spacecraft, tasked with […]