Reasons to be grateful
Practicing gratitude can brighten life during dark winter months

The idea of daily journaling might seem daunting or odd. The time it takes to crack out a notebook when you could be watching Netflix might seem less-than-enjoyable on a […]

Seeking social media support
Social media has positively affected the grieving process

Social media has taken over the world. People were once fairly private with more serious matters, only talking about them in person with close family or friends. Nowadays, social media […]

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The importance of a good cry
Why you shouldn't bottle up your emotions

Have you ever considered how weird crying is? You feel overwhelming emotions which trigger a gland in your eyes to release salty liquid. Your nose starts to run and you […]

Start with subtraction
Humans should strive for simplistic, valued lifestyles

Every day we are being pitched to. We are told doing and having more will bring purpose and meaning to our lives — more followers on social media, more income […]