Hold your beliefs close
Politics have become tricky, but holding your ground can be even trickier

I  grew up in a house with two lawyers who were constantly debating the interpretation of laws over dinner and reading statutes together over breakfast. I spent a lot of […]

Digging deeper
News outlets have become oversaturated

Brett Kavanaugh’s name has dominated headlines across the nation, leaving the general public wondering if anything else newsworthy is happening. As a journalism student, even I found myself struggling to […]

A tale as old as time
Revictimization of Kavanaugh’s accusers show society still has a long way to go

Almost a year ago the #MeToo movement gained ground, circulating on various social media platforms with thousands of women and men across the globe sharing their stories of sexual assault […]

More than another incident
The effects of sexual misconduct range far beyond just the Palouse

“It can happen anywhere, to anyone.” Over the past couple weeks, we have gotten an up-close-and-personal view of how sexual misconduct allegations affect anyone in any community, and maybe this […]