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Don’t forget to read this

I received an email appointment reminder Monday entitled “Cuddles.” Scheduled from 12.30 a.m. until 7 a.m., “Cuddles” reminds me to cuddle by jumping into my inbox each day at 4 […]

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Tough little cookie

Only 15 years old. I crouched in the darkness underneath a cardboard box. Shivering and chilled to the bone. Recently kicked out of my home and with nowhere to go, […]

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Staying calm is for wimps

“Without stress we would all be very, very, very nice. And stomach-churningly contented. And in all honesty, who wants to live in a world like that? Calm is for wimps. […]

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Tipping points

Servers are suffering in silence. It’s about time the secret custom of tipping was discussed.