Honoring Fred Cornforth’s Contributions to the Vandal Food Pantry 

Fred Cornforth’s donations to the Vandal Food Pantry and its long-lasting impact

The Vandal Food Pantry | Andrea Roberts | Argonaut

ASUI recently created a joint resolution for the University of Idaho with Boise State University and Idaho State University honoring Fred Cornforth and his contributions to not only the Vandal Food Pantry but also the perspective pantries at the other schools.  

One part of ASUI’s resolution is focusing on their gratitude toward Fred Cornforth and the impact he has made on the University of Idaho and the Vandal Food Pantry.  

“[Cornforth] had always said that ‘my family has always understood food insecurity and understood the need for pantries,’” Director of the Vandal Food Pantry, Sandra Kelly said.  

Fred Cornforth and his brother Ed Cornforth both attended Idaho State University. Recognizing the need for food pantries, they helped fund and start the ones at Idaho State as well as Boise State.  

After Fred Cornforth’s son visited the University of Idaho, he met with Sandra Kelly as well as Jeff Pilcher who is the Senior Director of Development in the University Advancement Office at U of I, and they talked about Cornforth contributing to the Vandal Food Pantry.  

“We already had the food pantry, but certainly needed help,” Sandra Kelly said.  

The contributions that Fred Cornforth has donated have allowed the Vandal Food Pantry to be staffed full-time, including work-study students. It also allows for the food pantry to buy more food and potentially expand its operations as well as increase the hours of operation. This helps students who rely on the Vandal Food Pantry to have more access and support.  

“You can’t study, you can’t perform well, you can’t do your day-to-day things if you’re hungry,” Kelly said. “We are just now getting it established where people know that there is a food pantry here. And that every student can use the food pantry.” 

Sandra Kelly further went on to say that this helps the pantry to not only rely on donations and giving day dollars. The contributions made by Conforth allow stability for the Vandal Food Pantry.  

“For the longevity of the pantry and our students [this] is a gigantic building block,” Kelly said. “This is such a foundation.” 

Fred Conforth, being a native of Idaho, has done much to support communities throughout the state. Along with contributing to Universities’ food pantries, he also has a company called CDI which has developed 100 affordable housing projects across the U.S. and 40 of those are in Idaho.  

According to the resolution by ASUI, they highlighted how much Fred Cornforth believes in college education and his belief that it will change how a person thinks. In turn, this will help make the world a better place.  

Through his contributions and support, students will see his impact and his legacy through the Vandal Food Pantry.  

“To me, it makes it feel like [the vandal food pantry] could be around for decades,” Kelly said. “I would not have that confidence without the support.” 

Sandra Kelly further promotes awareness for the Vandal Food Pantry.  

“There is no criteria to come in,” Kelly said. “I want everyone to come in. If you are heading to the library and you forgot to grab your lunch, come in and get something to eat. Everyone should be using the food pantry at some point.” 

Through the Vandal Food Pantry’s mission and Fred Cornforth’s donations, the students at the University of Idaho have gained access to a valuable resource.  

Any student interested in learning more about the Vandal Food Pantry can do so here: Vandal Food Pantry. 

Andrea Roberts can be reached at [email protected].  

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