Library trustee election is on May 16 

The elections come in the wake of proposed state legislation concerning content deemed “harmful to minors”

Librarian Rochelle Smith and Dr. Sydney Freeman Jr. discussing potential projects at the University of Idaho Library | Ricky Simmons | Argonaut

Two library district trustee positions are up for election. Colton Bennett, Michelle M. Huso and Wayne D. Schmidt are vying for the six-year position, while Saba A. Baig and Juliana Bollinger are running for the four-year position.  

The Board of Trustees is responsible for library governance through policy development, budget oversight, strategic planning and director selection. 

The Latah County Library District collected candidate statements on subjects including civic experience, intellectual freedom and equity and inclusion. These statements are available online

“The movement towards censorship can be countered by practicing inclusion — to make sure all voices and opinions are heard,” Baig wrote. “Libraries should respectfully consider community objections and complaints, but should not allow controversy alone to dictate policy.” 

Baig is the only candidate currently serving on the board. 

Running for the six-year position, Schmidt reflected on his own use of library services. 

“When I was a child, my parents lost the family farm and we had very little money for toys.  Everyone in the family had to work hard to grow a garden and take care of the chickens, cows, and goats,” Schmidt’s candidate website said. “Reading books from the school library became an important part of my life.” 

Bennett’s Army service in Europe provided him a firsthand perspective on the impact of intellectual freedom.  

“These experiences have branded on my conscience the importance of having a free society, one that allows the free exchange of ideas,” Bennett wrote. “If elected I will work to promote an intellectually free library, free of propaganda and robust in truth.” 

Huso previously worked at the Latah County Library District and expressed concern about recently proposed state legislation that would allow lawsuits if minors accessed materials the bill deemed harmful. 

“I’m in favor of protecting children: the best way to do so is to prepare them for the realities of a world that is hard to live in, which contains differing opinions and points of view,” Huso wrote.  

Bollinger did not provide a statement to the library district.  

All Latah County residents are able to vote for library district trustee positions. 

Election Day is Tuesday, May 16. Polls are open from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Polling locations can be found on the Latah County elections website.  

Early voting is available at the Latah County Courthouse from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. on business days until May 12. 

Applications for absentee ballots are due to the county clerk by 5 p.m. on May 5. Applications can be submitted online or with a paper form. Absentee ballots must be received by the county clerk by 8 p.m. on May 16. 

Same day registration is available for eligible voters who vote in person early or on May 16. Same day registration requires photo ID and proof of residence from 30 days prior to election day. Full voter identification requirements can be found on Idaho’s elections website.  

Voters in Deary and Bovill will also vote on a supplemental levy of $880,000 for the Whitepine Joint School District. Princeton voters will decide on a $1,000,000 bond for the sewer district. 

Katie Hettinga can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @katie_hettinga 

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