Vandal pride motivates current ASUI president to run again

McClain looks to get students more involved

Incumbent President Tanner McClain sitting in his office, currently the only person running for ASUI president in the ASUI election 2023 | Daniel V. Ramirez | Argonaut

Looking to prioritize the Vandal Family, Tanner McClain is running for ASUI president once again with his former Chief of Staff Peyton Loffer as his vice presidential candidate.  

With his current VP, Madison Fitzgerald, looking to be involved in other things on campus, McClain looked for someone that could fill that space going into the fall semester.  
“(Loffer) was automatically the first person I could think of, after Madison, (to run) together because she was my chief of staff last semester, and she did an incredible job in running the cabinet,” McClain said.  

McClain’s goal is to get students more involved as they are working on a module on Canvas to serve as a personality test about the clubs and organizations at the University of Idaho.  

McClain hopes also to find a way to bridge the gap between the types of organizations at UI.  

“Coming up here, I saw just such a divide between many groups on campus and everyone was doing their own thing,” McClain said. “After hosting things such as winter social, where we had all these groups I mentioned, hosted carnival hallway together that would help bring them together.” 

One objective that McClain is focused on is making a change in the Idaho Legislature regarding legalizing fentanyl testing strips in Idaho. 

“At the state capital level, these tests of strips are currently illegal in the state of Idaho and are considered paraphernalia,” McClain said. “Students don’t have access to these test strips which are a low-cost method that prevents drug overdoses.” 

This effort to push the legislature to recognize student issues is another facet that McClain has been working on and hopes to push further into the next semester.  

Idaho Student Association is a coalition of student presidents of universities and colleges in Idaho that aims to elevate student voices. 

McClain said that the Idaho State Board of Education would formally recognize the ISA next year, and the group is making efforts to aid North Idaho College.  

“I plan to introduce a resolution… to help fight against the current state of North Idaho College where there’s a possibility of them losing their accreditation,” McClain said. “That’s one thing where the ISA (being a) recognized body (can show) a strong and united (front), and we will be able to push back successfully against those efforts.” 

Overall, McClain is excited to have another year to continue the projects he has worked on this past year.  

“I deeply care about my work, and I show up to campus every day. I come to my office every day to make the campus a better place and help get more students engaged,” McClain said. “And as always, Go Vandals!”

Check out the profiles of those running for ASUI senate here

Students can vote via an email sent out by ASUI. The email will feature links to vote for senate and executive positions. 

About the Author

Daniel Ramirez I’m a senior at the University of Idaho studying both Broadcasting and Journalism. I am the social media manager for the spring semester and a writer and photographer for the news section.

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