Plants to spruce up dorm living

These nine hardy indoor plants brighten any living space

Household plants | Daniel V. Ramirez | Argonaut

Whether a dorm or apartment, college living spaces often need the pop of color and life that a fun houseplant can bring. Plants purify and humidify indoor air, and also become beautiful focal points that can brighten up any space. These college-proof indoor plants are easy to care for and perfect for the busy student lifestyle. 

A succulent for sale | Haadiya Tariq | Argonaut
1. Succulents 

With thousands of varieties to choose from, succulents are perfect for students looking for a small, easy-to-care-for plant. Succulents need to be on a windowsill or somewhere with direct sunlight, and they only need to be watered once a week or whenever the soil is completely dry.  

2. Lucky Bamboo 

Although not technically a part of the bamboo family, this fun plant has the same tall and stalky appearance as traditional bamboo, but in an easier-to-care-for size.  

Lucky bamboo thrives in areas with lots of light and needs to be watered regularly to maintain moist soil. Though, pet owners should note that this plant is toxic to animals. This plant will spruce up any room, and who couldn’t use a little extra luck? 

A mint stem | Haadiya Tariq | Argonaut
3. Mint 

This bright and edible plant adds a pop of color and would be the perfect start to a mini-indoor herb garden. Mint does best in indirect lighting and only needs to be watered about twice a week. 

4. Hoya 

A great choice for a slightly larger houseplant, Hoya’s will continue growing and their beautiful vines bring any space to life. Known for the waxy texture and appearance of its leaves, Hoya’s also have delicate aromatic flowers that fill a stuffy space with a sweet scent.  

They also have the advantage of being drought resistant and hardy, only requiring watering when the soil is completely dry, and they thrive in bright light. 

5. Cactus 

Similar to succulents, Cacti are known to be one of the most resilient indoor plants. Characterized by their small spikes, there are many varieties to choose from with varying colors and sizes. Cacti are most successful in a warm environment with plenty of sunlight and watering about every 10 days. 

Snake plant | Haadiya Tariq | Argonaut
6. Snake Plant 

This plant’s tall yellow and green striped leaves make it stand out from the others. Its adaptiveness makes it perfect for students as it can thrive in different light levels and only need to be watered around once every two weeks.  

Not only a beautiful statement, it is also known for being extremely effective at detoxifying the air. 

7. African Violet 

These lovely little flowers are extremely hardy and will blossom several times a year if given the right conditions. They need a lot of light, but they are known for thriving under fluorescent lighting – perfect for a living space with little to no natural light! They need frequent watering with warm water, but the extra care is well worth the colorful blooms. 

The leaves of a bromeliad | Courtesy Unsplash
8. Bromeliad 

These drought-resistant houseplants can flower into multicolored blooms that will brighten up any small space. Bromeliads do best in indirect but bright light and only need to be watered once a week or when the soil is completely dry. 

9. Ferns 

The bright green fronds of ferns bring life to any space and they thrive in indirect lighting. They are natural humidifiers as well as fun indoor foliage, and they only need to be watered around once every two weeks, depending on temperature. 

Grace Giger can be reached at [email protected]

About the Author

Grace Giger Argonaut Life Editor and Senior at the University of Idaho studying English Education.

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