Three tips for cooking in your dorm room

Assortment of ramen and noodles | Abigail Spencer | Argonaut
Assortment of ramen and noodles | Abigail Spencer | Argonaut

As young people around the country return to their cinderblock cubes called dorm rooms, they also return to the dreaded college dining hall. while the freedom of unlimited pizza was sweeter than the limitless soda this August, by now, even the most stalwart is longing for something different. Not to mention that takeout is outrageously expensive these days. 

So, how does one make their own food? For those who are used to cooking at home, getting used to the limits of dorm room cooking can be difficult. However, with a few useful tips, and a little creativity, you too can learn to cook for yourself.  

Get your Gadgets 

The biggest obstacle to dorm cooking is the lack of a kitchen itself. While a fridge and microwave seem obvious to many first-year students moving into their dorms, one would also posit the need for gadgets and gear to make any of your favorite treats. Here, there is a hot-water kettle, perfect for tea or instant coffee, and a milk frother, a necessity for those fancy coffees that cost upwards of seven dollars from the local coffee stand. Also recommended is a good knife and a cutting board for your occasional vegetables. 

Find Variety in your staples 

Ramen is a college staple for those with tight budgets, but too frequent consumption of the same Top Ramen from Win-Co can lead to being bored of your food. Take a trip to the local Asian Market to pick up a few assorted flavors and varieties of the classic pork. Especially check out anything called “garlic flavor.” You can also add an egg before your boiling-hot water to slow-poach and add some extra protein to the meal. 

Stock up on Condiments 

Not only is variety the slice of life, but by adding additional flavors to your food, a pack of ramen can become Thai peanut noodles, or spicy fire ramen! While you can never knock the classic PB&J, it can even be spruced up with some new flavors in the mix! 

Abigail Spencer can be reached at [email protected]

About the Author

Abigail Spencer I am the 2023-24 Copy Editor and a senior studying Journalism and Political Science.

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