ASUI rejects call for increased mask enforcement at athletic events

The ruling comes shortly after a rejected resolution calling for a limited removal of the university mask mandate

Sen. Tanner McClain responds to a member of the audience during last week’s public forum | Daniel V. Ramirez | Argonaut

ASUI rejected a resolution calling for improved mask enforcement at athletic events. 

After introducing a resolution last week calling for increased enforcement across the University of Idaho campus, ASUI met Wednesday to vote on an amended version of the proposed resolution that would be limiting the calls for greater enforcement measures to UI’s athletic events.  

The failed resolution comes shortly after ASUI chose to reject an opposing resolution calling for UI President Scott Green to rescind the university mask mandate in select buildings on campus. 

ASUI’s Director of Legislative Affairs Lydia McRoberts said that she was unsure of the value of additional university-wide enforcement measures to be taken. Though, she argued that it is a different story at athletic events. 

“Most of the athletic events I’ve gone to, nobody wears masks and you’re in the minority (if you do),” McRoberts said, adding that while she was unsure of what method of enforcement could be used, she felt that greater enforcement would “help people stay safe when they’re enjoying themselves on campus.” 

Though ASUI was divided on the issue of calling for greater enforcement measures, the resolution was ultimately voted down as multiple senators felt it lacked value following the past week’s resolution to maintain the university-wide mask mandate. 

“I think this resolution is really just beating a dead horse,” Sen. Tanner McClain said. “The mandate’s already enforced, and I don’t see what this really solves.” 

Prior to the senators’ ruling, ASUI President Kallyn Mai noted that UI Athletics was already looking at ways to better incentivize mask-wearing at university athletic events. 

“They did say that they will amp up the marketing,” Mai said. “They’ve got signs when you come into those athletic events … but they did say that they will work to incentivize students wearing masks correctly.”  

The incentives that will be provided to students who follow the mask mandates at athletic events have yet to be fully determined, though Mai said that one of the proposed incentives was providing pizza from the university spirit squad. 

Royce McCandless can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @roycemccandless 

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