OPINION: Kids are overrated

Statistics show that Gen Z is having less sex than past generations

Opinion Graphic
Opinion Graphic

I, among others, have heard the speech from parents about having kids in the near future and the simple pleasure of family life. Older generations look forward to the next milestone, grandchildren, after surpassing major life events.  

While grandkids would make many happy, recent generations like Millennials and Gen Z simply don’t want to have kids.  

In January, a survey came out stating that Gen Z and Millennials are having less sex than previous generations. The survey, according to an Insider article, found that 38% of adults were having sex in 2007 while in 2017 statistics dropped to 24%.  

Most of this may seem outrageous because who doesn’t like casual sex? But there are lifestyle changes and generational differences that account for this change.  

The number one and most obvious answer is the COVID-19 pandemic’s effects on everyone’s mental health. While locked away in quarantine, many worried about catching the virus and risks that are associated with going out. We have been in a pandemic for over a year now and while vaccines are being distributed, its psychological effects may still linger.  

Humans are social creatures and crave interactions, whether that be on the streets or in the sheets. Virtual interaction helps us feel less lonely but lacks important things we need, like face-to-face interaction and proxemics, which is being in the same space as others.  

The second reason for this decline is the economic environment people are raised in. Many Gen Z kids grew up in the 2008 economic recession and experienced their parents struggling with their finances. When the pandemic began, stocks were at an all-time low in 2020, making people panic. With the rumor that decades will repeat themselves, people were worried that the great depression would seek its 21st century revenge.  

Financial stress can pose significant problems in people’s lives other than their financial situation. Working more can lead to a worse social life and unsatisfactory interactions. Losing a job can lead to depression and excess stress upon people and their families.  

The third, and least expected reason, is “wanting kids” is falling out of trend. Pets have become the new children, plants have become the new pets and novelty items are the new plants. With how much money it takes to raise a child along with the fear of messing them up, a lot of people are just not up for the risks.  

With all being said, not all Millennials don’t want kids and while most are in their 30s, many are raising families happily. Gen Z is comprised of teenagers and young adults, and the future may change. For now, our generations are simply not ready for the challenge of parenthood.  

Emily Pearce can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @Emily_A_Pearce 

About the Author

Emily Pearce I'm a psychology and communications major graduating in spring 2022. Read my stories in LIFE, News and Opinion at The Argonaut.

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