Senate candidate focus on inclusion

Forum held for senators to speak about their platforms prior to elections

Associated Students University of Idaho. Angela Palermo | The Argonaut
Associated Students University of Idaho. Angela Palermo | The Argonaut

Candidates running for Associated Students University of Idaho discussed decreased involvement across campus because of COVID-19, encouraging representation in underrepresented groups and having an open dialogue with the Idaho legislature.  

Several candidates spoke on potential solutions to create an involved student body following the pandemic.  

Candidate Lillie Manyon was an incoming freshman fall of 2020. She found it difficult to become involved on campus because of the pandemic and the obstacles it provided. Manyon wants to implement a point system using Vandal Cards to improve involvement.  

“It’s a barcode you scan to go into events and is a point system that students can use to redeem for rewards,” Manyon said.  

Senator Will Jansen Van Beek, is running for reelection with a focus on involvement. His platform includes providing resources for students to find ways to connect. He’s presently working on getting study equipment outdoors for residence hall students.  

One of first-year Kaiya Sanchez’s platforms is creativity. Sanchez believed the social disconnect in students was caused by a lack of creative outlets available due to COVID-19.  

Brianna Navarro, a third-year student, spoke on how her own experiences affected her outlook on diversity. She was inspired to run for senator due to the lack of representation for people of color in ASUI.  

“I know that running for ASUI is a small step,” Navarro said. “But I hope that in doing this, we can help create a space, full of black and brown voices to be heard and seen all throughout campus.” 

With the current legislative session in action, senatorial candidates discussed how to address the impacts on UI community members.  

Herman Roberts, a first-year student, said his experience as the Idaho Future Farmers of America State President gave him the opportunity to travel to the U.S. Capitol. He was able to meet with members of legislature which he believes would help with future experience interacting with Idaho legislature.  

Olivia Niemi, a first-year student, thinks it’s important to elevate students’ voices who are directly affected by legislation. Her priority is to have underrepresented students be part of the conversation.  

“It’s definitely important to be an ally and to stand with people that are facing these issues,” Niemi said.  

Sierra Pesnell can be reached at [email protected]  

About the Author

Sierra Pesnell Junior at University of Idaho, majoring in Journalism with a minor in International studies. I work as a News Director for KUOI as well as write for the LIFE section at the Argonaut.

1 reply

  1. Erin Fanning

    Interesting group of candidates! Nice job of getting all their opinions into this short article.

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