SPONSORED: Peak Physical Therapy’s new location in Moscow is here to help

Sponsored by Peak Physical Therapy.

Peak Physical Therapy is proud to announce that it has opened a clinic in Moscow on 1174 Alturas St. Their new location is a part of their company philosophy of reaching out and helping others regardless of their pathology or financial situations. The lead physical therapist, James Anderson, states that as healthcare providers, “We are here to help regardless of the circumstances.”

James Anderson PT, DPT

In a time when accessing healthcare is difficult, Peak Physical Therapy wants to do what they can to make themselves available. In the interest of positioning to help the most people, they accept almost all insurances including Medicare, Medicaid, and Tricare, and also have treatment options for those individuals with limited or no insurances. They also provide free assessments, allowing each individual a chance to meet the staff and see how physical therapy can specifically help them before entering into formal care.

Peak Physical Therapy also recognizes that in the medical world, having to wait for an appointment time is very frustrating, but all too common. To help ensure that you get the help you want when you need it, Peak offers same day/next day appointments so that you get help when you need it and when it is most convenient for you.

The goal for every patient is to alleviate their pain and to get them back into all the activities of interest. Each patient will be extensively educated on their condition, issued a progressive home exercise program and then when they are discharged, will be followed up with throughout the year to ensure they continue to do well. Peak is vested in your health and wellness and feels that if you do physical therapy well the first time, you should never have to return for the same thing. They want to help you get the outcome you are looking for and then help you protect it!

If you have an existing ache or pain that has lasted more than two weeks, call today for a free assessment (208) 997-4500. We look forward to helping you!

This article was paid for by Peak Physical Therapy. For information about sponsored content, contact Student Media Advertising at [email protected].

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