OPINION: Zoomers keep up to date

Taking the side of Gen-Z in the generation wars


In an era of TikTok and Instagram, it’s important to keep up with the world. There’s so much to learn from these apps. It keeps us on top of global controversies and provides a space to understand and discuss social issues. As the saying goes, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. But I’m not talking about dogs. I’m talking about Boomers.  

It’s almost impossible to navigate the world these days without a smartphone. Zoomers or Gen Z-ers, have grown up with this advanced technology. Millennials and Gen X-ers also understand most of this tech. 

But Boomers do not. From personal experience, I can say it takes many, many days and many, many questions to teach a boomer how to navigate a phone, let alone a smart phone. Meanwhile, we can pick up almost any automated device. We’ve even been given the nickname iGen.  

If you ask a Boomer what they’re passionate about, they’ll usually give you an upfront answer. Something like: ‘I love to fish or hunt.’ If you ask a Zoomer this question, I’m sure most would be stumped. Being open to new philosophies and aware of different cultures is just a part of life for Zoomers, because we’ve grown up with an abundance of information at our fingertips.

This is why we often struggle to pinpoint our passions. We’re open-minded people who are excited to learn about other things going on in the world. Zoomers started #save the planet in response to climate change, along with other online-based activism campaigns.

Zoomers are well -educated and want college educations. This is, in part, thanks to Boomers. 

Boomers grew up in a time when college education was thought of as invaluable, since few people had one. We’ve played up college education so much that it’s imperative to have one for almost every office job, even though requirements for these jobs are not necessarily taught at college. Nowadays, the internet contains a plethora of information on each topic, so educating oneself is no longer limited to those with access to higher education.

I do have to admit, Boomers are pretty lighthearted and inviting, though.

Read the opposing column in this versus series, ‘Okay, Boomers,’ here.

Stevie Carr can be reached at [email protected] 

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