Bachelor Breakdown: the semifinals

The Rudi and Matt fiasco

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Photo from Unsplash

Last night “Listen to Your Heart” finally concentrated on a couple I have been curious about from the beginning — Matt and Rudi.

On the first night of the show they got along really well, but when Matt didn’t pick Rudi for the date, she went crazy. She yelled at him, but somehow, they ended up as a couple throughout the rest of the season.

Why you ask?

I have no idea. Maybe he likes crazy?

The finale is next week and all the couples felt the pressure to fall in love with their partner rather quickly in this episode. Especially since they are riding tour buses to their next competition venues.

I think that’s what happened to Matt and Rudi.

Chris and Bri have been solid from the beginning and exchanged “I love yous” last week. The other couples are still getting there.

Jamie seems to be obsessed with love and talked to Rudi about how they should both tell the man they are with that they are in love with them.

This seems like a mistake to me.

She said, “what’s the worst that could happen?”

Duh! Rejection!

When Jamie and Trevor went on their ice-skating date, they told each other they were falling in love with each other, which I was quite surprised about. In my opinion, Trevor doesn’t seem as smitten for Jamie as she is with him. This is just a feeling I have.

But what happened with Rudi and Matt? They ended up making a pit stop on their way to Las Vegas and everything seemed fine. It seemed like they really connected. But on their date in Vegas, everything went into flames. Rudi admitted her feelings to Matt — in a very strange way. She got kind of defensive when she said she was falling for him.

Crazy Rudi alert?

Matt didn’t say a word. He probably didn’t want to set her off, but it was painful to watch.

They just sat in silence. I literally was yelling at the screen telling him to say something.

But all I heard was the sound of crickets.

Somehow, they still performed together and absolutely nailed their performance in front of the judges.

They just shoved the falling in love drama under the rug. Until next episode I guess?

The last couple, Natasha and Ryan, had a date crushing cars, and that sounded pretty fun to me. But I haven’t felt that connection between them. Do they really like each other? I haven’t been sure since the beginning. And their performance fell apart in front of the judges.

It just sounded horrible. Their voices did not sync up at all and they just put on a show. There was no connection. Shortly after the performance Natasha admitted to messing up the song, but I believe if she did, Ryan would have done something to stop and support her throughout the performance. But, we didn’t see that. So, they were sent home. They said they didn’t want their relationship to end — maybe they are still together? I’ve been searching social media and haven’t gotten the answer yet. 

That leaves three couples left and next week is the finale.

It’s crazy to think about where we are now. Only three couples are left and the winner will be revealed next week. The winner will get to tour and record together. Who do you think it will be?

My bets are on Chris and Bri because they have a magical type of love. But maybe the judges will think differently next week.

Until then Bachelor Nation, “Listen to Your Heart.”

Lindsay Trombly can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @lindsay_trombly.

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