OPINION: Every body is different

Alternative forms of therapy are just as valid as modern medicine

Photo from Pexels

Since high school I have been battling sports injuries with no luck in treating them. I’ve tried multiple types of therapy but nothing has worked so far.

I’ve had chronic pain throughout my body for as long as I can remember. I’ve given up on the fact that something can help me completely.

One of my many injuries is a hip injury that developed into something called snapping hip syndrome. Basically, it’s where my hip makes a snapping sensation every time I walk, sometimes causing an audible pop or crack.

Last week, I had a massage therapy appointment. Before walking into
my appointment, I didn’t have high expectations for the therapy I was about to receive. I thought that it would relax me for a few hours, then I would go right back to the ongoing pain from my various injuries.

However, it’s been almost a week, and I haven’t felt the snapping sensation I’ve had for years. I’m not saying that massage therapy is the end all be all solution to injuries by any means. But, this is the first time in years that I’ve had some type of relief.

When it comes to typical treatments by doctors, many are becoming skeptical. There are countless stories out there about modern medicine not working on someone no matter what they try. People assume that there’s nothing else they can do because their doctor can’t figure out a solution.

People typically trust their doctors and trust that if they’ve tried “everything”, there’s nothing else they can do. This isn’t a bad thing, sometimes. These doctors have trained and studied for years and should be trusted. However, there are things they know more about, and there are things only their patients can know about.

After I tried physical therapy for my hip, I was told there was nothing else I could do besides continuing the physical therapy exercises. It’s been over four years, and nothing has given me the same relief I got from my massage therapy session.

I’m not saying you should disregard what your doctor says. But if the medical advice your’e receiving doesn’t seem right, don’t give up. Research other forms of therapy that could help you within your price range, or try seeing another doctor at your regular doctor’s office.

All in all, everyone’s body is different, and we need to get past the mindset that there is one typical treatment for everyone.

Nicole Hindberg can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @HindbergNicole.

About the Author

Nicole Hindberg I am a journalism major graduating in fall 2020. I write for LIFE and Opinion for The Argonaut.

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