The unsung heroes of UI’s college campus

A guide to modern day knights in shining armor


In the hustle and bustle of college life, chivalry is not offered up to students on a silver platter.

Consequently, we are forced to open our sleep-deprived eyes just a bit wider to find beauty in those little fleeting moments which so often go underappreciated.

Here is a guide to three types of subtle heroes just waiting to sweep you off your feet:

  1. The person who notices you getting up to leave in a crowded coffee shop and unplugs your laptop cord, saving you that awkward, reach-under-their-chair, Twister-esque maneuver.
  2. The person who voluntarily holds the door open for not one, not five, but upward of 50 people filing out of a big lecture hall after class. Talk about taking one for the team.
  3. The person in the bathroom who washes their hands right before you, grabs a paper towel then waves their hand to activate the dispenser motion sensor once more in order to leave another paper towel for the next lucky student.

    Never forget to stop and smell the roses, kids — unless you’re running late to class, in which case, power-walk like nobody’s watching.

Ellen Dennis can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @edennis37

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