I got a nose piercing from Moscow Tattoo Company

A nose piercing, for some it’s just a routine thing, and for others it’s their first right of freedom, especially in college. 

My freshman year started the same, I wanted a nose piercing for years. But now I was in college, a real adult, and I could make my own decisions. How did I start? Getting a needle shoved in my face. 

Now five years later, the high of getting a piercing hasn’t faded away. As I entered Moscow Tattoo Company getting my second nose piercing I felt the same feeling as I did freshmen year. 

Walking into a tattoo shop isn’t out of routine for me anymore, with five tattoos and seven — now eight — piercings I’m not one to be afraid of a few needles and am happy to hold a friend’s hand for their first tattoo or piercing. 

But for some it can be a scary experience, but Moscow Tattoo Company doesn’t let you feel that way.

Walking in you are greeted by Matt Johnson, the owner of Moscow Tattoo and you are immediately pointed in the direction you need. Being promptly directed to their online form to feel out my emergency contact info, pertaining medical information and provide a picture of my driver’s license — proving that I was 18 years old or older — which luckily as a fifth-year senior I checked that box. 

Once the form was filled out and reviewed, I headed back to the piercing station where I meet with my piercer, Niko. 

We started with some funny introductions and then we got down to business. First he cleaned my nose which requires a complete stranger to stick a q-tip in your nose. 

Moscow life: Moscow Tattoo Company: ‘A shop worthy of its namesake’

After all that nonsense, Niko placed some dots on my nose see where I thought the piercing would look best. He encouraged feedback and for me to be critical, seeing as this is quite permanent.  

Once I was satisfied the “scary” part began, I laid down, getting comfortable, and braced myself for the needle. Although I have had my nose pierced a few times it’s still not my all-time favorite moment, but the end result is quite worth it and I feel pretty empowered. 

Niko placed a metal tube inside my nose, so that the needle wouldn’t pierce to far through the skin. Niko jokingly called this getting a “two for one special”. 

And as I took a breath in, the needle did too. 

Immediately your eyes will begin to water, and it’s not out of pain. It’s just a reflex. After that, your nose feels a bit tender, but the worst is over.

After a few seconds, Niko does a few quick maneuvers — that even after eight piercings I’ll never understand — and the place holder in my nose changes to a stud.

One thing I greatly appreciated about Moscow Tattoo is the stud they pierced me with wasn’t the standard.

It’s usually this twisted concoction Niko described as something you would need an engineering degree to understand. But instead, there is a head to my piercing similar to a normal earring that can be screwed off and on

But don’t as your piercings will need to stay in for quite a few weeks before you can change the jewelry, allowing it fully heal.

Once the shiny stud was in my nose, Niko and I made small talk as he cleared the blood off my nose, which is completely normal. He did stab a needle through my face.

Niko and Johnson both encouraged me to come back in case of anything, after giving me the rundown on cleaning my nose. And then I paid and went on my way.

If you’re someone who’s craving their first piercing or are just wanting another one, I highly encourage you to check out Moscow Tattoo or any of the shops in town, as getting pierced with a needle is definitely the way to go. 

As I’m sure I’ll find a reason to turn my eight piercings into nine.

Alex Brizee can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @alex_brizee

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