Horoscopes — 6.18

Riley Helal | Argonaut
Riley Helal | Argonaut

Gemini 5/21-6/21

Yes, birthday queen or king, it is time for your horoscope challenge. This week I am challenging you to take a day — for you. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or special. Go out on the town or take a walk, but do it by yourself. Just slip in some headphones and go see the world. I know being alone can be scary, but I promise this will be fun and restorative to your soul. 

Cancer 6/22-7/22

OK Cancer, I know you’re always ready for a challenge and this week it comes in a prepackaged horoscope. You heard me, the stars and the moon have aligned, and they want you to stop buying so much coffee. Believe me, even as a physic of the stars I still want my daily coffee, but this week I’m challenging you to cut back. Your wallet will thank you later and you can spend that saved money on something so much more rewarding than a lukewarm mocha. 

Leo 7/23-8/22

You know that fad diet you’ve been trying endlessly? Give it up. Instead, just start going for walks after work or school — and switch to a healthier diet. It’s all about a lifestyle change, not the newest trend. Your body ain’t a trend.

Virgo 8/23-9/22

I know you’ve been trying so hard to recycle, but you just can’t remember. Every time you throw out that soda, you might not feel guilt until you walk away. So instead, try and buy things that have less plastic and use Tupperware instead of sandwich bags. And yes —keep trying to recycle.  

Libra 9/23- 10/22

Are you up for this challenge? What I want you to do this week is try to be a little more aware of your surroundings, whether that’s tuning in to breaking news and politics or just seeing what’s trending in Twitter. Plus, The Argonaut can always keep you up to date on what’s going on in Moscow. 

Scorpio 10/23- 11/21

This week’s challenge from the stars and the moon might be a bit rough, but I believe in you. Your tough nature will get you through this. Get off your phone — at least for an hour each day. It’s summer, it’s beautiful outside and you’re thinking about how beautiful your social media feed is. Click it off and go outside. 

Sagittarius 11/22-12/21

You’ve got some responsibilities to take on this week. Those doctor and dentist appointments you’ve been meaning to schedule but are pushing it to the side, just to name a few. It’s time you call and finally make those appointments. If not in the summer then when? It’s the perfect time to enjoy being back home while getting those tedious things done. 

Capricorn 12/22-1/19

It’s summertime and that means you’ve been working hard and maybe even making more money than usual. Well treat yourself! If you’ve been looking for the excuse to make a long-awaited purchase, take it from your horoscope queen — buy it! The stars know best and they say to get those new shoes you’ve been wanting. 

Aquarius 1/20-2/18

Summers are weird, especially when you’re a college student. Everything is different, including your sleep schedule. I know you’ve been doing your best, but what would make your summer even better? If you got up 15 to 30 minutes earlier and gave yourself time to actually get ready for the day. Yes, that includes eating breakfast. 

Pisces 2/19-3/20

You’ve been talking about that road trip since your senior year of high school and if you don’t take it this summer, will you ever? When you’re drowning in school work? No. Plan it out and do it. Or just throw out the planning and just go somewhere new and have fun. Take your best friend or that special partner and go do something exciting!

Aries 3/21-4/19

Summers are for learning new things and finding new hobbies! I know you’ve wanted to be outside more this summer. So do it — and be one with the plants. Gardening could be a great way to get your vitamin D. Or just read a book under a tree. You know, how they do in those movies?  

Taurus 4/20-5/20

It can be hard to be away from your friends over the summer. So, this year I challenge you to make a new friend wherever you may be. Go outside your comfort zone — make friends with that really nice co-worker or text that acquaintance you know lives in the same area. Friends are important, no matter the season. 

Alex Brizee can be reached at [email protected]

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