Horoscopes — 6.5.19

Riley Helal | Argonaut
Riley Helal | Argonaut

Gemini 5/21-6/21

It’s your month! Whether your birthday already passed or if it’s coming up soon, have a great time. Just don’t forget to spend some time making your day worth celebrating. I know you’re quick to say yes to things, so the next art gallery or sporting event you go to, remember to bring that friend you haven’t seen in a while. You know, the one you keep meaning to send a text. 

Cancer 6/22-7/22

Hey! This is the actual sign you’ve been asking for. Stop giving up on your plans halfway through. You deserve to go out and explore, and you can’t do that if you never leave your shell. I know, I know. You’re tired and you just started your internship, but summer is only 12 more weeks — goes by fast huh? — so remember to soak up all you enjoy. And if that’s just lying in bed? Then heck, don’t listen to me. I’m just the stars, the moon and the sun right?

Leo 7/23-8/22

This summer has you going, going, going. Take some advice from your Cancer friends and slow it down. Not because you can’t do it all, you can and more. But remember to literally smell the roses or watch a sunrise. While succeeding in that job or class seems like everything — and it is important — remember to take in all this summer has to offer you outside of a jobsite or campus. 

Virgo 8/23-9/22

Spend some time with your loved ones these next weeks, as sometimes we forget how important they are to us. But don’t let that consume you either. Of course, help and love your friends, but remember to do what is best for you, not everyone else. Think about what you need. 

Libra 9/23- 10/22

Maybe it’s a long-term partner or just a summer fling, but remember while this person may mean a lot to you, take care of yourself first. Your creative nature can cause you to fall head over heels and that is OK — life is a balance. Just remember to balance yours.

Scorpio 10/23- 11/21

You can trust your gut, Scorpio. No matter the issue you have been running into the past week, don’t stress it. Stop asking 20 people for advice. You know what needs to be done. I know being the one to make that leap or decision can be hard, but it needs to be done. Be bold and trust yourself. 


Sagittarius 11/22-12/21

Spend this break soaking up as much knowledge as you can, but not the textbook knowledge that is constantly holding you down. Read or learn about something you always found interesting, not microbiology or English literature. Find something you want to learn, and even if it’s marine biology, dive on in. 

Capricorn 12/22-1/19

The slow and steady nature of the summer has you out of your mind in boredom. Your Capricorn nature has you wanting to turn the wheels in your head and do so much more. While you may want to say yes to everything, you can’t and shouldn’t. The fast-paced lifestyle will soon enough return, but for now take a break, even if that means doing one less thing a day. 

Aquarius 1/20-2/18

These next few weeks would be a great time for you to give back to the people who have helped you the most. You have a lot to be appreciative of and now it’s time to show that. Take that friend or family member who has always been there out for lunch. Or, give some of your time back to the community by helping out a local church or soup kitchen. While summer is a time to restore yourself, don’t forget to take care of others.

Pisces 2/19-3/20

Summer is calling and it’s time to dive back into your passions, whether it’s the painting you haven’t gotten around to finishing or the instrument that’s collecting dust in the corner of your room. Summer is a restorative time and you should make the most of it. Now is the time to fall back in love with your passions.

Aries 3/21-4/19

Do you have a summer look that you haven’t forgotten about, but haven’t been bold enough to wear yet? Well, summer is the time. If you absolutely kill it, then you might look like a trendsetter. If not? Who cares, all your friends are away doing other things this summer. 

Taurus 4/20-5/20

Does this summer heat have you feeling stoppable, instead of your normal unstoppable? Soak it up. Your Taurus nature makes you driven and determined. Don’t let a little heat get you down, you have goals to accomplish. But when that goal of working out more comes up, remember to drink some water.

Alex Brizee can be reached at [email protected]

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