Sit back and relax

Students should remember to take time to relax and unwind

After being back in school for about a month now, the reality has finally sunk in for myself and classmates around me that winter break truly is over. It is already February, a month filled with exams, homework and applying for internships or jobs. All of these commitments working simultaneously leads students to feel tired and overworked. This feeling is not healthy for students in college and society in general.

Free time is an essential part of life that college students often forget about or it slips away in the midst of school work. We all come to college to learn and grow as people. Yet, sometimes students forget to just enjoy life. I know I have, and the last few weekends I have made sure to take some time for myself which every college student should do.

Lindsay Trombly | Argonaut

An article from the Centre Daily Times states there are positive benefits to having leisure time. It also includes how “research shows that college student free time ranges from less than five hours per week to more than 100 hours per week.”

Chunks of time dedicated for free time ranges from student to student but we all still need to have it in our life. Every week, every day, every hour and every minute of our lives are planned out as college students. We take time for class, extracurricular activities, eating, sleeping and even spending time with friends. Every once in a while that shouldn’t be the case. Students need to unwind and have time in their schedule free to do as they please.

Allotted timed breaks the University of Idaho give us shouldn’t dictate when our free time is used to lounge around the couch and binge watch Netflix or pick up that hobby that you gave up for school work. We should do these activities on a regular basis — not just during academic breaks.

The Centre Daily Times notes the importance of leisure time for students including “identity development, increased coping skills, stress reduction, activity innovation, increased physical activity socialization, academic community engagement and overall well-being.” These are all very important parts of life that students forget while we are stressed to write a paper or are rushed to make it on time to class. Sure, these things are important but students need to take some time to themselves to recharge and enjoy life.

The same article also states how there are negatives to leisure time such as “stress, social isolation, alcohol consumption and substance abuse.”

These negative aspects college students partake in regularly and they aren’t healthy. These kinds of activities are not considered leisure time because they are not improving your health and outlook on life.

Free time can be a great thing to add into your schedule and life because you will have something to look forward to every week, turns out you’ll be more productive when you work, it gives you some perspective and simply lets you unwind.

College students stress too much over the little things and sometimes need to know it is okay to just be by yourself for a while and take charge of your time. Do what you want and love. Life is about living and living isn’t just about working until the day you die. The whole world is there to explore, adventures to embark on and much more.

So remember — it’s OK to take a break every now and then from your school work and work in general.

Life is short so go and live it to the fullest.

Lindsay Trombly can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @lindsay_trombly

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