Medicaid expansion activists sign letters

Medicaid expansion group Reclaim Idaho hosts letter signing party in support of the passed proposition

Jana Argersinger writes letters to Idaho legislative leaders at the Moscow letter writing party for Medicaid expansion, Friday.

At a dining room table in a house on Circle Drive Friday night, Reclaim Idaho volunteers gathered to write letters to their legislators about Proposition two.

Emily Strizich, a co-founder of Reclaim Idaho, said the group organized the letter writing party because of the talk of adding work requirements and to remind legislators they work for their constituents.

“We want to remind our representatives here that they represent us, and their job is to implement the law that was passed by voters without adding any addition barriers to coverage,” Strizich said.

The proposition passed with 60 percent support in November, but state legislators are tasked with implementing expansion. The letters signed at the gathering Friday are each set to go to individual state legislators.

The table at the Moscow home where the letter signing was held had handouts which included an example letter, tips on what to include in them and contact information for legislators.

Madeleine Curtright, a University of Idaho student, said she had worked on some campaigns during the 2018 year and Medicaid expansion was one of the big issues she has seen.

“In a bleak world, it was something positive,” said Betsy Dickow, a Moscow resident.

Strizich said the group may hold another letter writing party in the future, but currently they planned for just one.

Kali Nelson can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter@kalinelson6

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