How to be your own philosopher

Everyone should question their own reality

Every day, most of us wake up and go to school or a job. We tend to create have daily routines, day in and day out. But, we rarely stop to think about the “why” of it all.

Why is it that we tend to create these routines in a certain way? Why are some things in culture frowned upon whereas other things are culturally acceptable?

Lindsay Trombly | Argonaut

The questions are endless. And, it’s difficult to know if we know the answers to these questions? We often tend to just accept the reality we live in — but we shouldn’t. We should question our very own realities on a daily basis.

Even though it takes a hefty dose of critical thinking and our brains may explode exploring these thoughts, we should question the world around us. It can be as simple as questioning the small things we do and as difficult as questioning who we are.

We should question our reality on a daily basis because we shouldn’t just accept everything how is. If we just sit back and accept the world for what it is, it gives us the easy way out and doesn’t make us critical thinkers. Not exploring these thoughts makes us narrow-minded and oblivious to the world around us.

We can’t get stuck in a black hole. We shouldn’t be oblivious and take the fish-bowl effect for what it is. We shouldn’t just say that everything is “just the way it is.”

We must ask the world questions. We must begin with asking ourselves these kinds of questions.

There are answers to these questions, some different to everyone, and everything has its own way of coming to be. This sort of self-exploration is important.
As humans, we should try to understand the world, and seek the answers to these kinds of questions.

The first step to asking yourself these kinds of philosophical questions is to think big and etch away at the small questions. “Why do I go to college?” “Why do I want the job I have?”

In this way, you travel more into the question of reality. Does it even exist? You’ll have to answer that question for yourself.

Keep asking yourself these kinds of questions on a daily basis. Does this topic, and thinking strategies make your brain hurt? If it does, you’re doing it correctly. You’re questioning your own reality.

Lindsay Trombly can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @lindsay_trombly


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