Vandal Question of the Week: Esports

Vandal Question of the Week

The Vandal Nation staff discusses whether e-sports should be considered as a sport or not.


Meredith Spelbring


Meredith Spelbring

I want to be progressive and open minded but I just cannot accept that people moving their fingers and sitting behind a screen are playing a sport. I know it requires skill, but there is a lot more than skill in sport, and e-sports should not be considered one.






Chris Deremer


Chris Deremer

Times are changing, which means the meaning of sport is changing as well. The amount of fandom that is received in the esports community as well as skill makes it hard to deny it not being a sport. 90 percent of sports are a mind game, and esports fits the category perfectly. esports are the future and it’s time to take it seriously.






Brandon Hill


Brandon Hill

Physical exertion is the main requirement of a sport. While esports do require incredible reflexes and strategy, they do not fit under the sports umbrella.







Colton Clark


Colton Clark

If we’re going to consider golf and NASCAR sports, then esports just barely hang on the edge of that category. It really is a skill, molded from decades of vehement practice. Plus, like the established sports of today, exposure and giant chunks of change are on the line.






Jonah Baker


Jonah Baker

Esports are absolutely a sport. While untraditional in nature, they draw larger audiences than the NBA Finals and still maintain intense competition with cultural impact like other sports do.







Marisa Lloyd


Marisa Jenai Lloyd

I believe esports should not be considered a sport. Physical Activity is a huge aspect of any sport and that is a something clearly lacking from the e-sport community.






Zack Kellogg


Zack Kellogg

Esports I feel should be classified as a sport. It is like any other type of competition: practice, skill, dedication to your craft and becoming the absolute best.






Hannah Goertz


Hannah Aáliyah Goertz

Esports should not be considered a sport. Sports require agility and being physically active. Although they are video games that are played competitively, they don’t fit under the sports category because lack of the actual physical property.






Clay McKinley


Clay McKinley

Esports should definitely be classified as a sport. Although they lack physicality, they still require intense skill and bring fierce competition to the table.






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