
Dear Editor,

Dr. Voddie Baucham, sponsored by the Collegiate Reformed Fellowship, delivered an address in the Pitman Center on Thursday, Jan. 26 titled “Why Gay is Not the New Black.” The Secular Student Alliance (SSA), after consulting Dr. Baucham’s previous lectures and his article of the same title, participated in a walk-out in solidarity with LGBTQ students and community members.

Mr. Baucham opened his remarks by decrying an alleged lack of “discussion” about LGBTQ issues and then proceeded to question the legitimacy and existence of LGBTQ identities, labeling them a “crime against nature.” His other unfortunate complaints targeted marriage equality and attempted to cast the LGBTQ civil rights movement as an insidious conspiracy.

All who listen to Dr. Baucham’s clumsy affirmations would do well to recognize the contributions of LGBTQ community members here in Moscow. They are an integral part of of our city and our university: students, faculty, business professionals, scientists, artists, and everything in between. The protection of their civil rights, including marriage equality, strengthens our community as a whole.

The Secular Student Alliance vigorously supports freedom of speech and honors Mr. Baucham’s right to express his beliefs, but we also unequivocally condemn his dehumanizing remarks. The Collegiate Reformed Fellowship should be ashamed of themselves for sponsoring this inflammatory sophistry.

— The Secular Student Alliance at the University of Idaho

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