A stately competition – Greek Week revisions aim to improve safety, collaboration

For many University of Idaho students, Greek Week is about more than carnival games and talent shows.

“It”s uniting. It”s competitive,” said Claire McKeown, UI Panhellenic Council public relations director. “It”s also a time to celebrate being Greek, celebrate the traditions we have on campus, the individual traditions we have and also what makes us a community.”

Tess Fox | Argonaut
Freshman Mary Trumble (left) and senior Shelby Adams study at the Alpha Phi house Thursday.

UI Greek houses will compete in various activities – including skits, a talent show and field day – throughout the week to gain the most points.

In prior years, teams were assigned. However, McKeown said Panhellenic and the Interfraternity Council allowed houses to pick their own teams to vie for the 5-foot trophy the team with the most points wins.

McKeown said the previous system did not always work.

“We want everyone to be happy and having the greatest amount of fun,” she said.

Andy Kim and Mady McInerney, members of Delta Tau Delta and Alpha Phi respectively, are working to coordinate their team”s Greek Week activities and agreed the partnership between the two houses was a good fit.

“Everyone”s kind of motivated because we want to hang out with the Delts,” McInerney said.

Kim said although he didn”t predict both houses voting to partner with each other, their pledge classes have grown increasingly closer.

“I”m stoked that we”re Greek Week partners,” Kim said.

Evan Barton, IFC public relations director, said Greek Week is a lot like Homecoming in the sense that different living groups come together.

“When each individual house has their own philanthropy, it”s very centered in your house,” McKeown said. “When you come to Greek Week, it”s no longer about your house.”

Greek Week is a national tradition for many universities around the country.

“It”s a way bigger scale than people ever expect it to be,” McKeown said.

McKeown said Greek Week is a break from daily stressors.

“You have something to look forward to everyday with a cool group of people you enjoy being around,” Kim said.

Revising their campaign

Barton said he and McKeown have been meeting weekly since the beginning of spring semester. The pair has implemented several improvements to the annual event.

“We”re focusing on a lot of alignment on our names,” Barton said.

McKeown said their effort is to make this year”s theme, presidential elections, prominent throughout the event.

Due to injuries in past competitions, McKeown said they are moving the “Campaign Trail: Greek Olympics” to the Lower 40, as opposed to a hard surface, eliminating the pyramid portion and examining liability waivers.

She said an obstacle course and three-legged race are new additions to the Greek Olympics this year.

For the Greek God and Goddesses competition, dubbed “Greek Primaries” this year, each house will have a talent show act. The winner will receive a trophy, which McKeown said is a new added incentive.

Last year Barton was crowned Greek God. He said his humor is likely what won the audience over.

“I did a song and dance routine,” Barton said. “I reenacted the Katy Perry half-time show from the Super Bowl last year.”

McKeown said although she did not compete for a title, watching the performances was the highlight of last year”s Greek Week.

“Greek God and Goddess is always a fan favorite,” Barton said. “Everybody loves that.”

Growing houses

“We”re in recruitment season,” Kim said. “Rush is a big deal, recruitment is a big deal.”

Kim said being active during UIdaho Bound, formerly Vandal Friday, puts houses” names into incoming freshmen”s minds before recruitment begins.

“It”s a chance for Greek houses to come together, celebrate and show our strength,” said Isle Moreno, Delta Gamma director of activities.

Prospective students can also experience Greek Life.

“You can kind of see their energy and flare during Greek Week,” Kim said of the different houses.

McKeown said it will give the community a taste of Greek life and show it what it”s all about – its “soul.”

Kim said if he hadn”t gone Greek, the number of people he knows on campus would have been cut down drastically.

“We have such an awesome Greek system here,” McIverney said. “Greek Week”s a big thing in my house. Everyone wants to participate.”

Kim said onlookers would be able to see the camaraderie between UI”s Greeks.    

“We are having it be mostly advertised to Greek students,” Barton said. “Other students can come out if they want to see what the Greek community is all about.”

Greek Week Schedule


Gathering Donors: Check-in Event

Location: Idaho Commons

Time: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.


State of   Union Address: Corey Ciocchetti – All in: Motivation and Leadership

Location: Bruce Pitman Center International Ballroom

Time: 7 p.m.


Presidential Debates: Greek Week Skits

Location: Idaho Commons Food Court

Time: 7 p.m.


Campaign Trail: Greek Olympics

Location: Lower 40

Time: 4 p.m.

Friday, April 1

Greek Primaries: Greek God and Goddess

Location: Memorial Gym

Time: 7 p.m.

Katelyn Hilsenbeck can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @Katelyn_mh

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