Saving the superhuman — The “Heroes” reboot is worth the watch

Corrin Bond | Rawr

There is some sort of inherent cultural fascination with extraordinary humans. From stories of the Greek gods and goddesses to contemporary comic books, there’s something about a good superhero story that lasts the test of time.

rawrreview3Superhero stories come in all shapes and sizes and the same ones are often told over and over again in a variety of mediums — from comic books to novels to movies, artists and writers are constantly taking the original hero template and turning it into a new and fresh creation.

While “Heroes” might come across as the same old story told again under a different light, the show about a group of humans whose deviated genomes gift them with special abilities is more than just your average “someone’s about to save the day” flick.

With a “Heroes” reboot right around the corner, here’s what makes this show stand out and worth a watch.

First, the show pulls off the nearly impossible by incorporating a number of alternating story lines without getting lost in them. Rather than focusing on the development of one central character, in the first season alone, the show alternates between nine different individuals who begin to recognize their special abilities.

The writers do a phenomenal job of sharing screen time equally between all nine characters and although there are a number of subplots running all at once, it never feels overwhelming or unbalanced.

Each episode gives you just enough time with Claire, Hayden Panettiere’s character who has the ability to heal herself, Micah, a young genius played by Noah Gray-Cabey, and the angsty but charming Peter, Milo Ventimiglia’s character who lives in the shadow of his brother’s success.

The many subplots aid the second best thing about the show: the tremendous suspense and air of mystery it maintains. Although every character seems to come from a different walk of life––there’s the loving but suspicious father from Texas, the time-bending office worker from Japan, the New York artist who paints the future and others with special abilities scattered across the country — there are core elements woven throughout each of their individual narratives that tie them all together. These elements, such as a recurring symbol placed on items different characters own, magnify the show’s mystery as it is made evident that everything is somehow connected without immediately revealing how.

Finally, the third aspect of “Heroes” that not only makes it a quality show but also a unique superhero tale, is the depth of the characters and its compelling cast. The “Heroes” cast is full of notable television and film actors, like “Gilmore Girls’” Milo Ventimiglia,  “Nashville’s” Hayden Panettiere and “American Horror Story’s” Zachary Quinto (that’s right, even American heartthrob Zachary Quinto is in it), which makes for strong chemistry and interactions between a variety of characters.

The characters have so much depth and are portrayed in such an honest way that you’ll find yourself falling in love with every one of them and then craving to know more about their lives and stories.

The show’s new miniseries, “Heroes Reborn,” aired on Sept. 24, which means it’s not too late to hit up Netflix and binge watch the first four seasons of this dynamic show.

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