Moments of recognition – Tony Plana gives advice, words of inspiration at convocation

Actor Tony Plana, the featured speaker at this year”s University of Idaho Convocation, had a simple truth for his audience of new students Friday.

“Welcome to the adult world,” Plana said. “If you”re 18, you are an adult, legally. Listen, if you can go to war and vote, you are an adult.”

Tony Plana has starred in multiple films and TV shows throughout his 40-year career, including “Three Amigos,” “West Wing” and “Ugly Betty.” He received his bachelor”s degree in literature and theatre arts from Loyola-Marymount University and serves as an advocate for education when he isn”t acting.

“I can play different levels of education because I got an education,” Plana said. “I can play street, I can play middle class and I can play the Secretary of State for the United States government.”

Staben introduced Plana as the featured speaker at convocation after speaking to both students and their parents about what he is looking forward in the coming year, welcoming both groups into the UI community.

“You are now a part of the Vandal family,” Staben said.

Plana focused his convocation speech on getting new students to think about who they are, something he said he believes is essential to having a successful and happy life.

“Find out who you are,” Plana said. “Find out what you love at this university.”

Plana said during their college career each person encounters multiple moments where they begin to recognize what truly makes up their character. He said it is important for students to recognize the importance of these moments.

“Deciding on what to become in life is a terrible burden on young people,” Plana said.

Plana utilized his own life story and his journey to becoming an actor to cement his message to his audience. He said at first his parents weren”t the most supportive because he grew up poor, but he eventually survived and thrived, mainly due to his education and his sense of humor.

Plana also recognized the impact UI administration made in choosing him, as a Latino man, as someone who could be a role model for minority students.

“Through asking me to speak and to take such an honorable and important role in today”s convocation, which I took it very seriously, they”re honoring the minorities that are part of the school,” Plana said.

Using himself as an example, Plana said he found success through his talents of acting and humor. He also found he enjoyed doing both, primarily because he had a talent for it, he said.

Most people find their callings in life by figuring out what they”re gifted in, Plana said.

“If you”re wired to do a certain thing, you will love to do it because you”re wired to do it,” Plana said.

Plana concluded his speech on a note about his family. He said his current role of being a husband and father has provided him with a strong sense of purpose in his life.

And with that, he was more successful as an actor. He advised the new students in the audience to spend time figuring out their purpose as well.

“Nothing has fulfilled me more than honoring who I am and dedicating it to others,” Plana said

Erin Bamer can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @ErinBamer

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