Unlikely combinations

Cy Whitling | Crumbs

Cy Whitling | Crumbs

Cy Whitling | Crumbs

We’ve all been there, staring into a nearly empty fridge or cupboard and pondering the contents. It seems like the things meant to be eaten together run out at different rates.

For instance, if you have peanut butter you’re probably out of jelly, and if you have both, chances are you are out of bread. If you have salsa, good luck finding anything resembling a chip or a taco.

Never fear, I am here with some creative solutions to your cupboard disparities.

The key to eating well with an unbalanced cupboard is creativity and an adventurous spirit. The suggestions that follow are not for the faint of heart, but if followed without trepidation, they can pay off exponentially.

One common problem students face is they are too rushed to make anything for breakfast, so they eat cereal and feel hungry for the rest of the day. Don’t worry about cooking an elaborate meal and instead just add some protein. Throw a scoop of peanut butter in with your cereal and prepare to have your life change forever. Along with adding some much needed protein to this important meal, peanut butter also can vastly improve the taste and texture of your average cereal. Try it with cheerios, raisin bran, granola or anything with chocolate, but don’t blame me if it ruins your fruit loops.

Another kitchen quandary I often encounter is the mysterious case of the left over salsa. There is always salsa left after the bag of chips is gone. Fear not, I have a solution. If you have any kind of crackers or saltines, just use them instead of chips. Yes, it might not be very authentic but saltines and salsa is a pretty killer combo.

Another opportunity for culinary creativity is the majestic Cup of Noodles. Don’t settle for going with the herd, and go beyond the bland instructions printed on the cup. Experiment with ingredients. Try chopping up a hot dog and throwing it in to add some protein, crack an egg into the cup before you cook it for even more nutritional benefits or cut up some jerky and drop it in. The possibilities are endless. Just don’t ever sacrifice bacon to the Cup of Noodles gods, that’s a waste of bacon.

When life gives you mismatched condiments, make a meal out of it. Who says creativity is just for artists? Express yourself through your food. Let it be an extension of your resourcefulness. Of course, like all good things, even this can go too far. If you ever catch yourself making ketchup and saltine sandwiches, just because it’s what you can get for free in from the cafeteria, you might want to re-evaluate your priorities.

Cy Whitling can be reached at [email protected]

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